

Welcome to the official documentation for the error-enhanced library. This comprehensive guide is intended to serve as the central resource for developers looking to implement or understand the library's capabilities for advanced error management. Whether you're a novice trying to get started or an experienced developer looking for in-depth information, this documentation has you covered.

What is error-enhanced?

Meet error-enhanced, a game-changing TypeScript library designed to make error handling in web apps a whole lot smarter and easier. Forget the limitations of the traditional JavaScript Error object. With error-enhanced, you get a single, feature-packed error object that provides a lot more details about what went wrong.

Challenges We're Tackling

No More Patchwork Error Handling Normally, managing errors can make your code look like a patchwork quilt — confusing and messy. error-enhanced eliminates that by organizing all error information neatly into a single object. The result? Code that’s easier to read, debug, and maintain.

Better Error Context Ever got frustrated because a JavaScript error didn't give you enough information to actually fix the problem? error-enhanced solves this by providing tons of extra details right in the error object itself. Now you can diagnose and fix issues much faster.

Catch Errors Before They Catch You JavaScript's flexibility is great but can be a double-edged sword, leading to errors that only appear when it's too late. error-enhanced is built on TypeScript, giving you the advantage of catching type-related errors during development. This means fewer bugs and crashes when your app is live.

By addressing these challenges, error-enhanced aims to make your life as a developer easier and your apps more robust and user-friendly.

Why Choose error-enhanced?

Simplified Error Handling With error-enhanced, you no longer have to juggle multiple, scattered error properties. Everything gets bundled into one easy-to-understand object. This makes finding and fixing errors a breeze and makes your code easier to read and maintain.

Flexible and Customizable Need error-handling features that don't come out-of-the-box? No problem. error-enhanced comes with "enhancers" that you can use to add more data and functionalities to your error objects. For example, you can add HTTP status codes or user-specific information. And if that's not enough, you can also create your own custom enhancers to tailor the library to your project's specific needs.

Stronger Safety with TypeScript Type safety is crucial for avoiding surprise errors when your application is up and running. Since error-enhanced is built on TypeScript, you get the advantage of checking data types during development, thus minimizing runtime errors.

Detailed Metadata for Enhanced Debugging Ever wished you could know more about an error that popped up in your logs? With error-enhanced, you can add a ton of extra information to each error object. This makes your error logs much more useful and helps you troubleshoot issues more quickly.

Core Features

Unification of Error Objects The library introduces a unified error object that serves as a single point of reference for all error-related information. This feature is particularly useful for large codebases and microservices architectures where error handling can become convoluted.

Use of Enhancers for Dynamic Error Enrichment Enhancers are modular components that attach additional metadata to the base error object. These can range from HTTP information to user activity data, providing a fuller context for each error instance.

Enum-based Error Categorization The library offers predefined enums for consistent error categorization. These enums standardize the way errors are classified across different parts of an application, simplifying error handling routines.

Strongly Typed Interfaces error-enhanced leverages TypeScript to offer strongly-typed interfaces for the unified error object. These interfaces define the shape of the enhanced error, offering better compile-time checks and improved developer experience through IntelliSense support in IDEs.

Quick Start Guide

If you're eager to integrate error-enhanced into your project, the Installation Guide will provide you with all the steps to get started.

Additional Resources

For further exploration, visit the dedicated pages for each core component:

Last updated