
File: error-analysis.enhancer.ts


The ErrorAnalysisEnhancer class enhances standard JavaScript Error objects by providing enriched error information like originating file, line number, column number, function name, and more. The class is a part of the error-enhanced library, designed to aid in more granular error tracking and debugging.




Holds the original Error object. Defaults to null.


An array containing the parsed stack frames. Defaults to an empty array.


Public Methods

setOriginalError(originalError: Error): this

Sets the original error object and triggers the internal extraction of detailed error information. Returns the instance for method chaining.

Usage Example:

const enhancedError = new ErrorAnalysisEnhancer();
enhancedError.setOriginalError(new Error("Something went wrong"));

originalError: Error | null

A getter method that returns the original Error object.

parsedStack: Array<StackFrame>

A getter method that returns the parsed stack frames as an array.

Private Methods

  • _extractErrorInfo(): this: Extracts detailed error information from the original error's stack trace and populates _parsedStack.


  • originalError

  • parsedStack

Common Use-Cases

  • Debugging: Offers more granular information for debugging purposes.

  • Error Logging: Enhanced error details are useful for logging systems.

  • Error Analysis: Enables in-depth error analysis by providing additional data points.