
File: filter.utility.ts


The FilterUtility class is a utility mixin designed to filter out unused or null properties from an object, returning a new, cleaner object. This class is particularly useful for data sanitization and object property management.

Class Members

Static Members

  • preservedProps: Set<string>: A set of properties that should never be removed during filtering. Default values include 'name' and 'message'.


filterUnused(): this

Returns a new instance of the object with unused properties removed.

Usage Example:

const error = new ErrorEnhanced();
error.someField = null;
error.someOtherField = "usefulData";
const filteredError = error.filterUnused();
// filteredError now only contains 'someOtherField' and other useful properties.

isUnused(value: unknown): boolean (Private)

Checks if the given value is considered unused (e.g., null, undefined, etc.).

isEmptyObject(obj: unknown): obj is Record<string, unknown> (Private)

Checks if the given object is empty.

isEmptyArray(arr: unknown): arr is unknown[] (Private)

Checks if the given array is empty.

isPlainObject(obj: unknown): obj is Record<string, unknown> (Private)

Checks if the given object is a plain object and if it is empty.

Common Use Cases

  • Data Sanitization: Filtering out null or unused properties before saving an object to a database.

  • Object Normalization: Creating a consistent object structure by removing unused or irrelevant fields.